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Bojana says she embraces mistakes as valuable lessons during her stay in Ljubljana


The dual form may come as a surprise to some foreigners who move to Slovenia. For Bojana, who moved here from North Macedonia three years ago (and since has learned to speak Slovenian fluently), learning the language was, at first, one of her biggest challenges. Now, she finds the dual form romantic. The speech and language therapy student says that learning new languages is also something that comes in handy professionally. She chose to play the song Que Será, Será (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) by Doris Day.

Study abroad

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We take a peek into the lives of foreign students living in Slovenia. Did they come to party, study or just shake up their everyday lives? What makes these young people tick and what do they think about the country they've come to? Listen to the challenges they face and what they miss from home. Has this experience changed them? Are they considering staying here? Every Monday at 11:25 only on Radio Si. Do you want to share your experience? Just write to pr@radiosi.eu and maybe you are our next guest.

Bojana says she embraces mistakes as valuable lessons during her stay in Ljubljana


The dual form may come as a surprise to some foreigners who move to Slovenia. For Bojana, who moved here from North Macedonia three years ago (and since has learned to speak Slovenian fluently), learning the language was, at first, one of her biggest challenges. Now, she finds the dual form romantic. The speech and language therapy student says that learning new languages is also something that comes in handy professionally. She chose to play the song Que Será, Será (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) by Doris Day.


STUDY ABROAD: Sára comes from Slovakia but is studying in the Netherlands

This week's guest says that when she tells people where she comes from, they ask her if she lives in Ljubljana. Do you know which country we're talking about? Listen above to find out! She chose to play the song You've Got The Love by Florence + The Machine.


STUDY ABROAD: Maja is a Swede who spent a semester studying in Ljubljana, 17.02.2020

If a student ever complains to you about an exam, you can tell them that at some universities in Sweden, they can take up to 6 hours! Maja says such exams are held in huge classrooms that can fit around 200 people with several guards circling the test-takers and checking for cheaters. But that's not all, the classrooms are supposedly equipped with technology that can detect if you are texting someone in order to prevent cheating! What she was most surprised by in Slovenia is the level of proficiency in the English language of the average Slovenian, as well as the fact that feminism is openly spoken about at her faculty. That said, there are some things she disagrees with. Listen above to find out what they are! Her musical choice was a song titled Vi mot vrlden by Swedish singer and songwriter Veronica Maggio.


STUDY ABROAD: Henrik - a German from Marburg who came to study in Maribor, 10.02.2020

Henrik came from Marburg, Germany to study in Maribor, Slovenia. But the coincidences don’t end there - he comes from the State of Hesse, which, area-wise, is about the same size as Slovenia. The state has a lake called Eder, and if we were to translate “Lake Bled” into German – Slovenia has the Bleder See, and Hesse has the Edersee. The fact that Henrik is studying geography probably comes as no surprise! His musical choice was a song called Gave You Everything by the American ska-punk band The Interrupters.


STUDY ABROAD: Pranav, a student from India - 03.02.2020

You know what puran poli is? It's a sweet Indian flatbread, which is also the favorite dish of our newest guest. Pranav says he came from India's Dehradun to Maribor to explore the beauties of Europe. According to him, the best thing about studying in Europe is that in Maribor, lectures are not mandatory. He says that people know India as a large country with a large population, many states, but that many people have prejudices about traveling around India as they think it is dangerous. He stressed that this is not the case and that India has a wealth of cultural and natural beauties worth experiencing. His musical choice was Wake Me Up by Avicii.



Our newest guest is a true polyglot - he speaks English, German, Lithuanian, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Belarusian, and even Slovenian! Arthur decided to spend his Erasmus exchange in Maribor because he had heard good things about the University and Slovenia’s nature and mountains. He says many people he speaks to in Slovenia have been to Poland, Latvia, Estonia, Russia and Ukraine, but have never been to Belarus or know much about it for that matter. Listen above to find out more about Artur and the eastern European country he comes from! His musical choice was C'est la vie by Khaled.



A lot of people know that Port wine, one of Portugal's most famous exports, is named after Porto, Portugal's second-largest city. But did you also know that the Douro river divides the district of Porto into two parts. Opposite Porto, on its left bank, lies the town of Vila Nova de Gaia, the home town of our newest guest, Joao. The bridge which connects Gaia and Porto was constructed by none other than Gustave Eiffel. Joao's musical choice was a song about his home town Vila Nova de Gaia, titled De Mafamude com Amor by David Bruno. If translated to English, the title would be From Mafamude with Love. To give you a bit of context - Mafamude is a former civil parish in the municipality of Vila Nova de Gaia.



Our newest guest is a 20-year-old from Spain, for whom the Erasmus exchange in Maribor is the longest period he has spent separated from his family. Carlos admits that in the beginning, he was scared about how it will all turn out and that Slovenia was not exactly at the top of his wish list, but that during his time in Maribor he met and befriended new people - locals, foreigners and other Spaniards, all of whom helped chased away his fears. He also took the time to explore Slovenia and what it has to offer which made him change his mind and realize that he does like it here very much. He decided to play a song by the Spanish musician Melendi entitled Por Encima de la Bruma, which roughly translates to Above the Mist.



Did you know that the Ode to Joy lyrics were written by German poet, playwright, and historian Friedrich Schiller? Well, it wasn't until her Erasmus exchange that Juloa found out that the European anthem isn't sung in German all over Europe and that all nations have their own translations of the text. It's just one of those things that happens to all of us where we don't know we don't know something until we open ourselves up to new experiences and new people who leave us richer in the best way possible.



Students in Montenegro do not have student coupons for meals, but they do have canteens available at faculties, and eating in restaurants is also much cheaper than in Slovenia - Mia says a full meal in the central part of the country costs about €5. Listen above to hear what other difference has she noticed. She chose to play All of me by John Legend since that's the song her boyfriend is always playing on the piano.



When Rafał googled Ljubljana, it kind of looked like Disneyland to him. That and the fact Slovenia was, among the offered Erasmus exchange locations, the farthest away from his home town of Katowice was the reason why he decided to come to Ljubljana. His musical choice was the song California Dreamin' by The Mamas & The Papas.



On the second Sunday of 2020, Polish students who are on an exchange in Maribor will be raising money for pediatric wards in Poland. One of the co-organizers is this week’s guest, Kamil. The charity event, which been held in countries around the globe since 1992, will take place at Vetrinjski dvor on Sunday, January 12, 2020. For more about the event itself and Kamil’s experience of studying in Slovenia, listen above. Kamil's song of choice was Charlie Brown by Coldplay.



Vasily is a student of tourism, who came to our capital for a slightly different reason than most other foreign students - he decided to switch professions and move his family from Moscow to Ljubljana. He says he was especially surprised that primary school children in Ljubljana go to school on their own, pointing out that Moscow is a huge city, which also means it is far more dangerous. He believes that if parents in Slovenia can let their children walk to school on their own without worrying too much, that means that everything is as it should be. His musical choice was Rebel Heart by First Aid Kit.



Our newest guest says he's a bit of a grandma's boy, but we can't blame him, since grandmas are awesome. The law student from Czechia who spends his summers working in different countries around the world says it was his friends who first told him about Slovenia. Now, he has decided to spend his Erasmus exchange in Ljubljana! His musical choice was Mr. Beat, a song by the Czech band D.Y.K..



When we think of Portuguese people, we have a certain phenotype in mind. However, Fábio says this is not the case with Slovenes. To him, Slovenes do not look as alike as the Portuguese. He says that Slovenians are quieter when compared to the more extroverted Portuguese, and added that during his exchange semester in Ljubljana, he has been learning new things not only about Slovenia but also about himself and has gained a different perspective on his country, culture and friends. His musical choice was a song called Blue Sunshine by Firgun.



Blas comes from Argentina and has Slovenian roots, but that's not what brought him to Koper. The doctorate student of Mathematics was most drawn to FAMNIT because of graphs theory. On the one hand, he noticed similarities between Slovenia and Argentina, such as gesticulation, and on the other, he said the size of countries is one of the more noticeable differences. If, in Slovenia, you decide to drive for two hours, you can end up on the other side of the country, while in Argentina, 2 hours mean nothing. He added that in Argentina, some people drive 2 hours just to go to work each day! His musical choice was the song Tren Del Cielo by Soledad and Natalia Pastorutti.



Strahinja has been studying at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana for more than a year now and during this time, he has been working hard to learn Slovenian and excel in his studies. He says that things in Ljubljana and Slovenia in general are better organized than in Serbia but adds that Slovenians are also a bit colder and take a longer time to warm up and open up to other people. But that’s why he’s here! His music choice was SOS by Abba.



Our newest guest is probably the only one in Koper who still goes swimming in the sea as late as November and starts again as early as March. If you haven’t guessed it, he comes from Alaska! Matthew spent several years working in a mine in Alaska before he decided to come to Koper to study bioinformatics. If you don't know what that is, then think evil scientist in the first Jurassic Park movie. At least that's what Matthew says. Oh, and minus the evil of course.



Slovenia was actually the first country our newest Study Abroad guest visited outside of the one she was born in. Marta is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana. The young woman from Poland feels at home here, adding she sees no major differences between the two countries. Well, apart from the prices, which she says are almost 1x higher and the fact Poland still uses zloty as its currency and not euro. She says what she misses most in Slovenia is her family and friends, but adds it's not too bad, since she makes the more than 1000 km long trip back home every few weeks. Her music choice was the single Początek by a band called Męskie Granie Orkiestra 2018 (Kortez, Podsiadło, Zalewski).



Amar is a doctoral student of Mathematical Sciences at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies at the University of Primorska. He first started his master’s studies in Koper and then decided to stay in Slovenia for his doctoral studies. He says he would love to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina after he wraps up his studies, but notes that compared to his colleagues in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in Slovenia, he has much more opportunities for student work and more independence from his parents as well as more freedom as a young researcher and academic, which is why he is considering staying in Slovenia or trying to find work elsewhere in Europe. His music choice was Soul to Squeeze by Red Hot Chili Peppers.



Our newest Study Abroad guest comes from Perm! The city, which has a population of over 1 million is located near the Ural Mountains in Russia. We'll let you decide whether the nightlife in Koper, where she's studying Mathematics, can compare to the party her home city can offer, but Polina did say it is also cheaper to go out in Russia than in Slovenia. On the other hand, some of her friends came to Slovenia to study because they otherwise wouldn't be able to afford to do so in Russia. Her music choice was Siren Song, a track by Ukrainian singer MARUV, which won the Ukrainian national final for the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv.

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